We consider the health, safety and wellbeing of our students to be of the utmost importance and strive to promote the welfare of our students, believing ‘Every Child Matters’ and supporting them and enabling them to keep themselves and others safe.

Student’s Mentors are the first port of call should you have a concern, you can also contact their Head of College. If you have any concerns of a safeguarding nature please contact our Welfare Manager, Elaine King, who is available to support and offer help when students are experiencing issues both in and out of school through providing a welcoming and supportive environment.

Safeguarding on the Banbury Aspirations Campus

Sharing information never harmed a child

Should you be made aware of a safeguarding issue with any of our pupils, the Designated Safeguarding Leads on our campus are:

Mr O'Keefe
Mr O’Keefe
Mrs King
Mrs King
Mrs Gee Mr Stowe
Mrs Gee Mr Stowe
Mr Sterland Mr Griffiths Mrs Ingham
Mr Sterland Mr Griffiths Mrs Ingham


Safeguarding our children is everybody’s business.

Mrs King liaises with a number of outside agencies who are further able to support our students including CAMHS, Health and Social Care and Early Intervention Services.


Elaine King
01295 251451 Ext. 221


All issues raised are treated with confidentiality, unless there is a risk of significant harm in which case referrals are made to partner agencies for their support.

Where next

Health & Wellbeing

Our commitment to our students’ health & wellbeing Aim: We consider the health, safety and wellbeing of our students to be of the utmost importance…

Health & Wellbeing

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