Download the Curriculum Statement for Modern Foreign Languages
Academic year 2023-24
The Modern Foreign Languages Department at Wykham Park Academy seeks to promote a deeper understanding of the international world by developing communication skills and the application of new language structures to different contexts. Students learn how to manipulate new language successfully so they can communicate clearly verbally and in written form.
They also learn how to develop collaborative learning skills so they can support each other with the understanding and application of new concepts. Students are encouraged to use resources such as vocabulary lists and grammatical explanations to work independently. They are also provided with clear criteria that enable them to understand their learning and the progress they are making. Access to authentic sources helps students to better understand the culture of the countries where the language is spoken and encourages curiosity and engagement.
As students approach each new topic there is an opportunity for them to develop their reading comprehension skills using academic and literary texts to endorse the school ethos of ‘Every child a reader’. These sessions also provide a springboard for discussions on how we embrace diversity, which is explored at various stages throughout the course.
Knowledge covered Oxford University Press: Claro 1
TERM 1 – Self –Worth : ‘Me presento’ ( I introduce myself).
Introductions to Spanish
- Getting to know the Spanish speaking countries of the world;
- Greeting people and introducing yourself;
- Learning numbers 1–31;
- Saying and understanding dates;
- Learning colours;
- Learning classroom items and language.
- Understanding word order
- Understanding verb endings
- Introducing the verb tener
- Using a variety of question words
- Giving basic opinions
- Understanding masculine, feminine and plural nouns
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Getting accustomed to sound and rhythm of a new language and begin to imitate.
- Identifying patterns, explaining adjective agreement, word order, verb endings in first, second and third person singular.
Phonics: Phoneme-grapheme link-vowel sounds and silent h
English comprehension skills using academic text.
Theme: Why we learn foreign languages.
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
Use of authentic videos and clips:
- ELEvideos
- Coffee break Spanish
To lend relevance and authenticity to the learning and encourage cultural awareness.
APP data evidence base
Baseline test given in third week of September.
Phonics check, reading and translation (sentence level).
TERM 2 : ‘Mi Burbuja’- ‘My Bubble’.
Building on our foundation of conversational Spanish
- Counting up to 100 in Spanish
- Saying if you have any brothers or sisters
- Saying if you have any pets
- Describing hair and eyes, as well as other facial features
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Finding ways to remember new vocabulary
- Developing independence as a learner of Spanish
- Transferring previous knowledge and adapting it to new situations.
Phonics: Phoneme-grapheme link –ll, rr and v
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement =Self Worth project in Spanish for classroom display.
APP data evidence base
Mini writing/speaking mid-term assessment for practice and confidence building.
TERM 3 : Engagement : ‘Mi Burbuja’- ‘My Bubble’.
How to talk about physical appearance and describing ourselves
- Describing hair and eyes, as well as other facial features
- Describing what you and others look like
- Describing personality traits.
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Learning irregular verbs
- Extending writing with more detail
- Varying vocabulary
Phonics: Phoneme-grapheme link and intonation
English comprehension skills using literary text.
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
Use of authentic videos and clips:
- ELEvideos
- Coffee break Spanish
APP data evidence base
Listening, Reading and translation.
TERM 4 ‘Mis Pasatiempos’.(My Hobbies)
How to speak about the activities we enjoy
- Talking about hobbies
- Talking about sports
- Giving detailed opinions on sports
- Using the regular present tense
- Learning the verbs jugar and hacer
- Extending use of verbs like gustar with porque
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered :
Transcribe words and short sentences that they hear with increasing accuracy
- Using verbs in full.
- Using cognates to increase vocabulary. Organising notes to help learning
- Phonics: Phoneme-grapheme link
- Reproducing key language in new contexts.
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
Spelling Bee in Spanish and University translation competition.
APP data evidence base : Mid-term assessed writing task.
TERM 5 Purpose: Mis pasatiempos
Conversational Spanish
- Discussing weather
- Getting to know some famous Spanish-speaking musicians
- Comparing celebrity profiles on social media
- Using ‘if’ and ‘when’ constructions
- Using que to make longer sentences
- Using comparatives más y menos
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Adapting previously learnt language in a new context.
- Suggesting memorising skills of vocabulary chunks.
- English comprehension skills using academic text.
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
- Learning how to research popular Hispanic culture
- Improving your Spanish via technology
APP data evidence base : Written piece to be marked as a mid-term assessment.
TERM 6: Mi Casa (My House)
How to speak about our houses
- Describing types of house
- Describing rooms in the house
- Describing your bedroom
- Describing your dream home
- Describing household tasks
- Using es and está
- Using the verb vivir in the present tense
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Working out unfamiliar language
- Checking work for errors
- Using a bilingual dictionary
- Recycling language
- Practising creative writing
- Asking questions effectively
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
Students encouraged to start using www.memrise as an independent learning resource.
APP data evidence base
Summer exam series.
All four skills tested on themes from the year.
Knowledge covered Oxford University Press: Claro 1 and 2
TERM 1: Self Worth
Describing our communities and the places we call home
- Talking about places in town
- Describing where you go in town
- Giving and understanding directions
- Discussing plans for the weekend
- Comparing rural and urban environments
- Describing how areas have changed over time
- Using hay with singular and plural nouns
- Using ir in the present tense
- Using the imperative
- Forming the near future
- Using the comparatives tan and tan…como
- Using some key expressions in the imperfect tense
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Translating into Spanish
- Learning infinitives
- Trying repair strategies when speaking
- Finding and using synonyms
- Answering questions on a reading passage
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
Use of authentic videos and clips:
- ELEvideos
- Coffee break Spanish
To lend relevance and authenticity to the learning and encourage cultural awareness
Embracing diversity: Are stereotypes harmless?
APP data evidence base
Productive skill: Speaking (photo cards and reading aloud)
Receptive skill: Listening
TERM 2: Self Worth
Discussing our academic studies and opinions
- Talking about school subjects
- Giving more detailed opinions about school subjects
- Describing a timetable in a Spanish school
- Using the verb estudiar
- Using exclamations with ¡qué…!
- Telling the time
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Varying your language
- Using slang expressions
- Answering questions on a listening passage
- Describing a picture
- Understanding cultural differences
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
Use of authentic videos and clips:
- ELEvideos
- Coffee break Spanish
- Spanish cinema experience
To lend relevance and authenticity to the learning and encourage cultural awareness and embrace diversity.
APP data evidence base
Productive skill: Writing (40 words)
Receptive skill: Reading
TERM 3: Engagement:
Discussing life at school and our work
- Describing your school environment
- Talking about extracurricular activities
- Discussing future plans
- Using se puede and se debe
- Using antes de and después de
- Using future expressions
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Varying your language
- Using slang expressions
- Answering questions on a listening passage
- Describing a picture
- Understanding cultural differences
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
Use of authentic videos and clips:
- ELEvideos
- Coffee break Spanish
APP data evidence base
Productive skill: Speaking (role-play and general conv)
Receptive skill: Listening
TERM 4: Engagement:
Ordering foods and discussing diet
- Talking about what you eat and drink
- Giving opinions on food and drink
- Ordering food in a restaurant
- Using the verbs comer and beber
- Forming negative expressions (I)
- Using tú and usted
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Including cultural knowledge in work
- Describing an image
- Answering questions in English
- Writing more independently
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
Use of authentic videos and clips:
- ELEvideos
- Coffee break Spanish
Embracing diversity:
- Students explore the difficulties immigrants face and share empathy/own experiences.
APP data evidence base
Productive skill: Writing (40 words)
Receptive skill: Reading
TERM 5: Purpose:
Speaking on personal health and lifestyle
- Discussing what makes a healthy diet
- Saying what parts of the body are hurting
- Discussing health problems and treatments
- Using mucho and poco
- Using the verb doler in the present tense
- Using the imperative
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Including cultural knowledge in work
- Re-using language
- Performing a role-play
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
Use of authentic videos and clips:
- ELEvideos
- Coffee break Spanish
To lend relevance and authenticity to the learning and encourage cultural awareness
APP data evidence base
Productive skill: Speaking (photo cards, reading aloud, roleplay)
Receptive skill: Listening
TERM 6: Purpose:
Talking about transport and holiday travel:
- Describing holiday activities
- Extending holiday descriptions
- Describing a past holiday
- Making complex travel descriptions
- Describing future holiday plans
- Using ir with prepositions
- Using the verb soler
- Using common slang expressions
- Forming the preterite tense (regular verbs)
- Forming the preterite tense (irregular verbs)
- Revisiting the near future
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Answering questions in Spanish
- Improving knowledge of Hispanic culture
- Listening for unfamiliar language
- Narrating events and writing in different tenses
- Preparing for a written exam
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
Use of authentic videos and clips:
- ELEvideos
- Coffee break Spanish
APP data evidence base
Productive skill: Writing (90 words)
Receptive skill: Reading.
Knowledge covered Oxford University Press: Claro 2 and Kerboodle
TERM 1: Self Worth
Students present on something of interest to them; explore music, gaming etc
- Discussing the Internet and social media
- Discussing TV programmes
- Watching films at the cinema and at home
- Discussing musical tastes
- Creating an online profile
- Discussing jobs and careers
- Forming negative expressions (II)
- Using acabar de
- Using mejor and peor
- Making comparisons with preferir… a…
- Using ser and estar
- Using the future tense (regular verbs)
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Saying anglicisms in Spanish
- Translating short sentences into Spanish
- Inferring meaning
- Answering multiple-choice questions
- Understanding short prose pieces
English comprehension skills using academic text.
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
Clips and authentic realia
APP data evidence base
Mid term test.
Listening, reading and writing
TERM 2: Self Worth
A Life abroad writing competition- Warwick University
- Describing what you wear
- Describing fashion in greater detail
- Talking about shopping on the high street
- Visiting a shopping centre
- Dealing with problems when shopping
- Discussing hypothetical situations
- Using demonstrative adjectives
- Forming the present continuous tense
- Using indefinite adjectives
- Using cardinal and ordinal numbers
- Using direct object pronouns
- Forming the conditional
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Researching a famous Hispanic person
- Taking the initiative in conversation
- Making regular cultural references
- Independent memorisation devices.
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
- A Life abroad writing competition- Warwick University
- San Sebastian Film week
APP data evidence base
Speaking and translation
TERM 3: Engagement
Business Meets Languages Warwick Uni competition trip
Anthea Bell translation prize
- Discovering Texan culture
- Comparing Madrid and Barcelona
- Discovering Mexico City
- Finding out about Peru
- Learning about life in Cuba
- Planning a trip across South America
- Forming radical-changing verbs in the present tense
- Forming the perfect tense (regular verbs)
- Using irregular past participles in the perfect tense
- Forming the imperfect tense
- Using reflexive verbs in different tenses
- Combining the future and conditional
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Reacting to the unpredictable
- Understanding different registers
- Recognising hidden meanings
- Thinking about how you’re reading and discussing approaches
English comprehension skills using academic text.
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
- Warwick Uni Business Meets Languages trip. Anthea Bell translation competition.
- Coco Project.
APP data evidence base
Listening, reading and writing.
TERM 4: Engagement
Translation competition
- Describing morning routines
- Describing afternoon and evening routines
- Talking about relationships with friends and family
- Comparing routines
- Talking about global issues
- Discussing solutions to global issues
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
Relating knowledge from several areas
- Drafting and re-drafting work
- Speaking more authentically
- Improving exam technique (translation)
- Understanding poetry
- Writing interesting sentences
- Constructing an argument
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
- Clips and authentic realia
- Translation competition
APP data evidence base
Speaking and translation
TERM 5: Purpose:
- Leadership and taking responsibility
- Who I am and what makes me special.
- Adjectives to describe myself and how I relate to others
Heroes: examples of famous icons and their personalities e.g Rafa Nadal, Carlos Alvarez, Messi
Students will study the theme of family and relationships (Start of GCSE course- Unit 1)
- Talking about family relationships
- Describing people
- What makes a good friend
- Adjective agreement.
- Applying prior learning
- Identifying patterns
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Revising grammar
- Using idioms
- Listening to native speakers
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
- Documentaries and clips
APP data evidence base
Mid term assessment
Listening, reading and writing
Students will study the theme of family and relationships (Start of GCSE course- Unit 1)
- Relationships
- Ideal partners
- Future plans
- Combining simple future and conditional tense
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Grasping nuances in meaning and applying familiar structures to new situations.
- Producing a piece of descriptive and narrative extended writing.
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
- Documentaries and clips
APP data evidence base
Formal assessment in class. Listening, reading and writing.
Knowledge covered OUP AQA kerboodle
TERM 1 Self –Worth Home and Local Area
- Students will explore the theme of local area, town and home.
- Skills will involve:
- Using adjectives to enhance descriptions
- Recognising key topic words in reading and listening tasks
- Using verbs which start with a vowel
- Simplification and paraphrasing
Supporting Resources
- AQA authentic literary sources on theme of house and home.
- Spanish soap operas.
- La casa de Bernarda Alba excerpts.
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered (Foundation/Higher tier):
- Recognition of hidden meanings
- Being able to infer meaning from reading and listening texts
- English comprehension skills using literary text
Theme: What happened to Lorca?
Cultural Capital/Diversity/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
- Students use ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ literary text on first theme of home/family to prepare and perform short play for younger Spanish students.
- Use of authentic sources from internet and extra reading material from authentic files Nivel B1/B2
- Embracing Diversity: What happened to Lorca?
- Persecution of homosexuals under the Franco regime.
APP data evidence base (Foundation/Higher tier)
- Mid term test.
- Reading and translation.
- Speaking photo card and role play.
TERM 2 Self –Worth Healthy Lifestyle and Helping Others.
Students will discuss social issues including Charity/voluntary work, Healthy and unhealthy living, Eating habits and Comparing old and new health habits.
Students are encouraged to vary vocabulary, to add mark winning phrases and to use different tenses accurately.
Skills which will be practised and areas to explore include:
- Using verbal context when listening
- Using adverbs to enhance sentences
- Recognising common patterns in Spanish when listening.
- Building a growing awareness of social issues in Spain and Latin America.
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered (Foundation/Higher tier)
- Using methods and theories in new situations.
- Identifying tenses in question words and applying to new themes using exam material.
Cultural Capital/Diversity/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
- Use of authentic sources from internet and extra reading material from authentic files Nivel B1
- Using methods and theories in new situations.
APP data evidence base (Foundation/Higher tier)
- AP1 Listening.
- Reading and translation.
- Writing and translation (AQA Past Paper).
Cumulative themes covered so far
TERM 3 Engagement : Global Issues
Students define and discuss environmental issues such as pollution, recycling and alternative resources. They will analyse problems and come up with solutions. Students focus on reusing known verbs and phrases and making use of social and cultural context when listening.
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered (Foundation/Higher tier)
- Applying knowledge across a greater range of contexts.
- Applying the skills they’ve been developing to identify and analyse language.
- English comprehension skills using academic text
Theme: Environmental issues in Spain
Cultural Capital/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
- Tapas tasting after school meet in Banbury
APP data evidence base (Foundation/Higher tier)
- Social Issues Unit 6 (kerboodle)
- All 4 skills- 2 TIERS
TERM 4 Engagement : Social and Global Issues
Students explore social issues such as homelessness and poverty, evaluating the current situation and creating solutions to problems of social inequality.
Students will practice:
- Justifying their ideas and arguments, using key phrases for agreeing and disagreeing in a discussion.
- Developing their translation skills so that students can translate clearly into English and into the target language.
- Building a growing awareness of social issues in Spain and Latin America.
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered (Foundation/Higher tier)
- Relating knowledge from several areas.
- Applying key structures to different themes using assassin phrases.
Cultural Capital/Diversity/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
Use of authentic sources from internet and extra reading material from authentic files Nivel B1/B2
APP data evidence base (Foundation/Higher tier)
- AP2 Global Issues Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking (AQA assessment resources photo card and role play).
- Listening.
- Reading and translation.
- AQA F/Higher Tier Sample test 1
TERM 5 Purpose : Travel and Tourism
Students will describe holiday experiences, express and justify preferences and talk about holiday activities in the perfect tense.
The focus is on using negatives to improve writing, paraphrasing and expressing opinions using intensifiers.
Extending writing enrichment from Kerboodle: Developing writing skills to interpret different question types and plan and write a clear answer.
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered (Foundation/Higher tier)
- Reproducing key language in speaking exams to include higher structures.
- Adapting prior knowledge to the speaking exam tasks: Role play and photo card practice on varied themes.
- English comprehension skills using academic text.
Theme: Tourism and Spain
Cultural Capital/Diversity/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
Use of authentic sources from internet and extra reading material from authentic files Nivel B1/B2
APP data evidence base (Foundation/Higher tier)
- Global Issues Unit 7 (kerboodle)
- All 4 skills
TERM 6 Purpose Exam Skills Focus
Exam Skills Focus on productive skills
- Developing students’ uses of tenses when writing and speaking , as well as working on improved coherence and extended answers to aid fluency.
- Making a comprehensive revision of key vocabulary categorised grammatically.
- Developing writing skills so that students can interpret different question types and plan and write a clear answer.
- Developing translation skills so that students can translate clearly into English and into the target language.
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered (Foundation/Higher tier)
- Reproducing key language structures to fulfil exam requirements
Cultural Capital/Diversity/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
- Use of authentic sources from internet and extra reading material from authentic files Nivel B1
APP data evidence base (Foundation/Higher tier)
- Summer exam series (AP3).
- Listening.
- Reading and translation.
- Writing and translation.
- Speaking.
- AQA F/Higher Tier past paper
Knowledge covered : OUP AQA Kerboodle course
TERM 1 – Self –Worth My Studies
Students will be studying the theme, ‘My Studies’ in which they discuss life at school and college. They will be using extracts from the higher tier course. Students will also be given both higher and extension listening and reading tasks to do from kerboodle.
- Mark winning structures encouraged.
- Higher file used for vocabulary consolidation.
Students will also:
- Develop their writing skills so they can interpret different question types and plan and write a clear answer.
- Develop their translation skills so that students can translate clearly into English and into the target language.
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Recognition of hidden meanings
- Being able to infer from higher reading and listening texts
- English comprehension skills using academic text.
Theme: Education
Cultural Capital/Diversity/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
- Use of authentic sources from internet and extra reading material from authentic files Nivel B1/B2
APP data evidence base
- AQA Listening and Reading Foundation/Higher tier past paper.
Mid term assessment.
TERM 2 Self –Worth Education Post 16 and Future Plans
Students will be studying the theme of Education- post 16. Students will focus on increasing their confidence speaking and will take part in exam style photo card and role play scenarios using current themes.
They will be encouraged to use a variety of tenses in their answers and to try and talk for two minutes on each task.
Skills that will be practised:
- Developing listening skills and their ability to deal with the full range of question types.
- Develop their speaking skills so that students can talk about a photo and the topic associated with the photo, perform roles plays on a variety of topics and answer questions on a variety of topics using a range of tenses and language structures.
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Using methods and theories in new situations.
- Identifying tenses in question words and applying to new themes using higher tier exam material.
- English comprehension skills using academic text.
Theme: Career Pathways using Spanish
APP data evidence base
- New spec AQA Listening, Reading and writing Foundation/Higher tier (PPE 1 Mock exam).
TERM 3 Engagement : Review of Theme 1
Students will focus on learning useful higher tier structures and learn to vary vocabulary and language in order to achieve the highest grades.They will also begin recalling earlier themes from Identity and Culture. Authentic sources become a focus: AQA literary texts.
Students will:
- Develop their writing skills so they can interpret different question types and plan and write a clear answer.
- Develop their translation skills so that students can translate clearly into English and into the target language.
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Applying knowledge across a greater range of contexts.
As students revise previous themes, they will apply the skills they’ve been developing to identify and analyse.
Cultural Capital/Diversity/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
- Tapas tasting after school meet in Banbury
APP data evidence base
- Mock speaking test- foundation/higher tier.
TERM 4 Engagement : Review of Theme 2 and Oral Exam Preparation
Students will continue reviewing all themes covered over the 2 year course in the context of exam style tasks from AQA website. Students will be given both higher and extension listening and reading tasks to do from kerboodle. higher file used for vocabulary consolidation.
Students will:
- Develop their listening and reading skills and their ability to deal with the full range of question types.
- Prepare them to be confident and more spontaneous speakers of Spanish with an emphasis on correct intonation and pronunciation.
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Relating knowledge from several areas.
- Higher students will apply key structures to different themes using assassin phrases.
Cultural Capital/Diversity/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
- Use of authentic sources from internet and extra reading material from authentic files Nivel B1/B2
APP data evidence base
- AQA Listening, Reading and writing Higher tier. (PPE 2 Mock exam).
TERM 5 Purpose: Speaking exam and Review Theme 3
Throughout term 5, we will focus on:
- Preparation and delivery of speaking exam (early May)
- A review of all themes using AQA revision PowerPoints/recap to retain revision worksheets and analysis of past papers.
- Emphasis on grading and exam criteria for grades 7-9.
- Use of kerboodle assessment file on all 4 themes: higher level practice assessment in listening, reading, writing and translation.
- Prepare students to be confident and more spontaneous speakers of Spanish with an emphasis on correct intonation and pronunciation.
Metacognitive processes/ skills covered
- Reproducing key language in speaking exams to include higher structures.
- Adapting prior knowledge to the speaking exam tasks: Role play and photo card practice on varied themes.
Cultural Capital/Diversity/Enrichment/curriculum enhancement
- Use of authentic sources from internet and extra reading material from authentic files Nivel B1/B2
APP data evidence base
- Mock Higher speaking test and actual speaking exam in early-mid May.
TERM 6 – Final Exam Period
- Summer GCSE AQA exam foundation/higher tier.
BBC Bitesize Spanish (listening practice)
Vocabulary consolidation
Practice of key language structures/tenses and topic vocabulary
Mrs Graver- Head of Modern Foreign Languages
Mrs Foster – Assistant Principal and Head of College