Download the Curriculum Statement for Business
Academic year 2023-24
What are we studying?
Year 10
Term 1
In Year 10 students begin their GCSE by considering how and why people set up businesses, who makes a good entrepreneur and the risks and rewards of setting up a business. We will also begin to consider how a business can market itself and the role of market research in helping a business be successful.
Term 2
In term 2 students will examine how businesses can be affected by a range of different stakeholders and these stakeholders can impact business decisions. They will consider how businesses target their product to different groups of customers and the role of the marketing mix in helping businesses be successful. They will examine a variety of different case scenarios and be able to apply the concepts they have learnt to these scenarios.
Term 3
In term 3 students conclude their examination of how businesses grow by analysing organic and inorganic growth . They will investigate real life marketing campaigns and evaluate the effectiveness of these campaigns. They will examine current business news stories and apply these stories to the concepts we are studying
Term 4
During this term students investigate the different functional areas of business including the operations functional area and Human resources. They will consider the purpose of each of these areas and how they influence business decisions as well as how business are organised and the role of technology
Term 5
Students will consider how businesses can increase the productivity of their workers and the different motivational strategies they can employ and if money is the only motivator They will consider the factors that can affect the choice of business location and the importance of good product knowledge. They will draw on their own experiences to form judgements about the effectiveness of the strategies businesses adopt.
Term 6
Students end their Year 10 studies by beginning to study the role of the finance department and how businesses can access funds in order to expand and improve the business. They will learn how to examine business accounts in order to make judgments about a business’ financial health.
Year 11
Term 1
In term 1 students will continue to examine the finances of a business, examining the profitability of businesses, the use of financial data and the role of financial forecasting in decision making.Students will also begin to study the ethical and environmental considerations that businesses have. They will consider the current UK economy and how this can affect business success.
Term 2
Students will continue to consider the role of external influences on business success and how they have been affected by the process of globalisation. We will study the impact on real businesses from a range of different perspectives.
Term 3
In term 3, students will consider the interdependent nature of businesses, they will study the relationship between different functional areas and how these interdependencies can affect business decisions. They will develop their understanding of how to answer synoptic questions and link the different theories we have studied
Term 4
In term 4 students will return to the topics of business activity, marketing and human resources. They will revise key concepts and develop their exam technique by considering previous exam questions and the assessment objectives of the course.
Term 5
In term 5 students will continue to focus on developing their exam technique. They will focus on developing their analysis, application and evaluation skills and how to demonstrate these skills in their answers.
Head of Subject:Jayne Jones
Everything you need to be successful in Business:
- Calculator
- Full equipment
- Watch Dragons’ Den
- Access to the news or a newspaper
- Keep an eye out for documentaries
- An eagerness to learn about the business world.
- Balance between Risk and Reward in a business
- Enterprise
- Entrepreneur